Gynecomastia Mumbai


Dr. Manwani’s goal is to offer the best gynecomastia surgery experience in Mumbai with superior results.


No Nonsense - Just Results

Dr. Manojkumar J Manwani

best gynecomastia surgeon in mumbai - Dr. Manojkumar J Manwani

As a patient, Dr. Manojkumar J. Manwani is aware that you appreciate honesty and demand it from your surgeon. Not all gynecomastia patients will benefit from surgery, and Dr. Manwani would never pressure you to have a procedure if he believes it is not in your best interests.

Dr. Manwani has been a plastic surgeon and specialist in gynecomastia for 30 years, giving him the knowledge to assess your situation quickly and provide you with treatment alternatives. He created Gynecomastia Mumbai India as a means for men to receive the assistance they require promptly and safely in a stigma-free setting. He desired a location where patients might come together to support one another as they underwent this process of healing. Gynecomastia Mumbai India is that Brotherhood.

quotation symbol After 20 years and  thousands of patients sharing their positive feedback with me, there is no doubt in my mind that gynecomastia treatment at The Gynecomastia Mumbai India is worth it. end quote symbol



Men who have gynecomastia have overdeveloped or enlarged breasts as a result of an excess of breast tissue. Though the issue is rarely discussed, it actually affects between 40% and 60% of males, according to estimates. Male breast overdevelopment is associated with several drugs and health issues, however in the vast majority of cases there is no known explanation. Reduced self-confidence and emotional distress are two effects of gynecomastia. The condition can be addressed surgically to provide men who are self-conscious about their appearance a flatter, firmer, and more manly chest appearance by removing extra fat and glandular tissue.


The Gynecomastia Mumbai India takes its role as a top gynecomastia surgery center seriously. Our team conducts groundbreaking research on gynecomastia, including its causes and ways to treat it more effectively.

As thought leaders in this field, we openly distribute this knowledge to patients and other healthcare professionals in an effort to improve the quality of care for everyone who seeks treatment for this illness. 

The Science Behind True Gynecomastia

Nothing “Pseudo” about it

The term “pseudo gynecomastia” may probably come up if you look up your issue.
False gynecomastia is what the term pseudogynecomastia refers to. This is referring to gynecomastia that is made up of excess fatty tissue, and the only cure is straightforward weight loss.

It is never, however, “just fatty tissue.” The tissue associated with gynecomastia is really real and is composed of fat, glands, and fibrous tissue. No amount of exercise, dieting, or non-surgical therapy alternatives will be able to completely remove the fibrous tissue or gynecomastia gland tissue that adds volume to your chest if you have the condition known as gynecomastia. Weight loss frequently only makes gynecomastia worse! Pseudoscience is “pseudogynecomastia”. It is a term used to promote fat-reduction methods that only address a portion of the issue.

If you want true gynecomastia relief, you will need a doctor like Dr. Manwani, who understands the true causes of gynecomastia and how to solve them.

How do I know if I have gynecomastia?

There’s a 98% probability you have gynecomastia if you’re asking this question. Contrary to popular belief, men are more perceptive than we think. When we look at the chests of other guys, we might notice one thing, but when we look in the mirror, we might notice something other.

The more important question is: what are you going to do about it?

Surgery is just the beginning

We Plan Your Surgery and Your Recovery.

Most patients take a day or two off before getting back to their regular schedules of work and other daily activities. After gynecomastia surgery, most patients can resume exercising five to seven days afterwards, although they should avoid chest work for two to four weeks. Work back up to full intensity gradually while paying attention to your body.

To reduce swelling, offer support, and encourage skin retraction, compression garments should be worn for at least four weeks or longer. All of our patients are encouraged to massage the treated region with their hands or a roller tool to soften the scar tissue and promote a smooth skin surface. Until you feel completely better, you should do this multiple times every day for at least 20 minutes each time.




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