Grades of Gynecomastia

The professionals have devised a descriptive classification system that allows them to talk about the treatment of excessively grown male breast in a more consistent manner. Male boob is broken down into four categories based on how severe the enlarged breast tissue is, as listed below.


Gynecomastia is defined and diagnosed by the presence of breasts that resemble those of a woman in a male. It is vital to have extra underlying chest tissue if you want a chest that looks feminine. The “ideal” male chest features a flat nipple-areola complex with a thin, even layer of subcutaneous tissue beneath it.


Gynecomastia tissue underneath causes enlarged areolas and swollen nipples to emerge. An imbalance in the sex hormones oestrogen and testosterone is the defining characteristic of ALL instances of gynecomastia. It’s interesting to note that the way gynecomastia is treated has little to do with the condition’s origin. The treatment you receive will nearly always be the same, regardless of how you got gynecomastia.



Gynecomastia grades or stages can be used to gauge how severe a patient’s disease is. Gynecomastia comes in a total of four grades.

They range in severity from grade 1 (mild) to grade 4 (severe), and each stage has a number of characteristics that distinguishes it from the other grades.

The treatments for each grade also differ, with stage 4 treatment requiring a very different surgical approach in comparison to stage 1. 

Gynecomastia Grade I

Small Growth without Excess Skin

Grade 1 gynecomastia causes minor breast development, which is occasionally accompanied by nipple soreness or tenderness. Only a small amount of edoema and perhaps discoloration surround the nipple. Sometimes swollen and soft to the touch, the nipple.

When the patient is wearing clothing, stage 1 gynecomastia is typically not noticeable. However, it can be obvious if the patient is undressed (for example, at a beach or swimming pool), which could be embarrassing.

Gynecomastia Grade II a

Moderate Growth without Excess Skin

A considerable expansion of breast tissue across the width of the chest is referred to as grade 2 gynecomastia.

If the patient is bare-chested, it is highly apparent and may be seen even when the patient is dressed. If the sufferer is around others, this may cause them great shame.

In many situations, the nipple may also be swollen and sensitive to touch.

Gynecomastia Grade II b

Moderate Growth with Excess Skin

When gynecomastia reaches stage 3, the breast tissue in the chest has significantly expanded, making the chest broader. The significant breast protrusion is probably visible even through clothing.

The nipples may be big and puffy, and the breasts are noticeably enlarged. The breasts may be ‘droopy’ with extra skin because of breast tissue development.

The patient may experience severe distress and worry due to the gynecomastia because the breasts are now apparent even through clothing.

Gynecomastia Grade III

Significant Growth with Excess Skin

Grade 4 is the most severe level of gynecomastia. Breasts are so pronounced and large at this stage that they frequently resemble female breasts.

Breast tissue has grown to the point where garments can clearly show off the breasts. There is a lot of excess skin, and the nipples are big and swollen.


In Mumbai, Dr. Manwani provides his patients with an unmatched level of service and outstanding outcomes. Patients seeking gynecomastia surgery come from all across the country to the Dr. Manwani’s Gynecomastia Centre to achieve the greatest outcomes from their procedure. You may start living your best life by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Manwani if you’re interested in talking about your gynecomastia therapy. 


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